Excellent post over on Stimpunks Foundation on the term Kinetic Cognitive Style, an approach to describing ADHD in a strengths-based way rather than a deficit-oriented way. (Similar to monotropism to describe autism.)
Before you jump into the post... know that it's long and has a lot of links, which may be visually overwhelming! If you use tabs, you could open some of the links in other tabs to save for later. I'm also going to summarize the key headers below so you can get an overview first.
The post covers:
Description of Kinetic Cognitive Style
Another community term, DREAD: Difficulty Regulating Emotion and Attention Divergence
The ADHD Nervous System: An explanation of why we act the way we do.
There are many other links throughout to articles, videos, and other resources. Which is great! But again, may be visually overwhelming, so going in with a plan is a great idea for this long meta-resource.